Today's hike was a first for our group of ladies.
We hiked the Bunch Grass Creek trail to White Pine Lake.
The total miles hiked was around 11 miles.
On previous hikes we have arrived at this sign hiking from Tony Grove. We always would look to the north wondering what the White Pine-Bunch Grass trail experience would be like. We have wanted to find out and today we did just that.
We began our hike at Bunch Grass where we often snowshoe in the winter.
Once Nan, DiLynn, and Linda dropped off a vehicle at Tony Grove, our final destination, and caught up with the rest of us, we had a group of 14 hikers.
The trail was hot and dusty as we started out.
We didn't see many wildflowers along the trail
and discussed hiking it earlier next year in order to see more of them.
We noticed how dry the canyon is this time of year due to a hot and dry summer.
It was refreshing to find this stream along the trail after hiking through sagebrush. At this point the surrounding area became a little more pretty and green as well.
It seems we always find a bridge or two to cross while on our hikes.
In time we could see Mt. Magog. Or is it Gog?
These 4 plus 2 more had to head back early.
Our hikes are addicting and we take what we can get even when life makes
other demands on our Fridays. Sharon would be riding in the Lotoja the next day and we wished her well.
The rest of the group headed into this large glacial basin.
It was fun to hike through the beautiful open area as we headed toward White Pine Lake.
We were not too impressed with Goring pond.
It's much more pleasing in the winter when we snowshoe there.
There seemed to be several cows on the trail with us today as well.
(Not so pleasing)
The trail began to take us south up towards White Pine Lake.
We knew we were within a couple of miles at this point.
As we looked down from the trail we enjoyed seeing
two small waterfalls not far from one another. Very pretty.
And finally there it was, our familiar White Pine Lake sign.
It felt as if we were on our home turf.
Another 0.6 miles and we reached the lake.
Margaret and LuWana were especially excited to see the Lake.
Neither one of them had been here for many years.
At White Pine we found a place to sit in the shade of the trees near the lake and enjoy lunch.
We talked about previous experiences of hiking to White Pine and listened to Nancy B.'s story of
being here years ago during a storm with her sons. She never cared to come back.
We think today was a much more positive experience for her. A few of us shared the experience
of backpacking in during the first weekend of August a couple of years ago. We got caught in a snowstorm and loved it.
This newly half built ridge is not far from the lake and has been under construction
since last year. We wondered if would ever be completed but appreciated the work done on it so far.
From the switchbacks leaving the lake we looked back at where we had been.
It's hard to see from this photo but standing on the trail we could see across the valley at the
trail we had hiked winding its way through the mountain to White Pine.
11 miles later and with tired feet we found our way to the Tony Grove area with one vehicle waiting. These happy volunteers took a ride in the back of the truck down to the Bunch Grass trail head where other vehicles awaited us.
We enjoyed another great Friday spent in the mountains enjoying another great hike with good friends.
If you go: the trailhead is located about 20 miles up Logan Canyon near mile marker 481. The parking area is located on the right side of the highway 0.5 mile past the Tony Grove turn off. The trail begins across the road 100 yards south of the parking area. Hike is considered easy to moderate. Trail will lead to White Pine Lake area junction. From there trail continues on to Tony Grove area if desired. Continuing to Tony Grove will require leaving a vehicle for transport back to Bunch Grass trailhead. Total hike of 11 miles from Bunch Grass to Tony Grove.
So wish I could have done the whole thing!